How To Make Lassi

Lassi is a yogurt-based drink infused with a variety of flavors. It has many different versions, ranging from fruit to mint masala to sweet and salted lassi. Sweet and salted lassi are the most common. 

Sweet lassi is a good dessert choice. It is flavored with spices like cardamom, rosewater, or saffron. This drink is usually served with cream or sliced nuts.

Salted lassi, from the name, is a savory variation of the drink. It is considered a healthier option because it does not contain sweeteners. 

This Indian yogurt drink could rival smoothies in being the drink of the summer. Here’s a guide through the steps involved in making it. 

Lassi Recipe


For salt lassi

  • Two-and-a-half cups of plain yogurt 
  • One-and-a-half cups of water
  • One teaspoon of cumin seeds, roasted
  • Half-a-teaspoon of salt
  • Cilantro or mint leaves, chopped (for garnish)

For sweet lassi

  • Two-and-a-half cups of plain yogurt 
  • One-and-a-half cups of water
  • Five tablespoons of sugar
  • Two-thirds of a teaspoon of cardamom powder
  • One teaspoon of rosewater (optional)
  • One tablespoon of nuts, chopped (for garnish)

These ingredients make 4 servings each of Lassi.


How to make salt lassi 

Pour the cumin seeds into a dry pot and heat gently until fragrant. Allow the seeds to cool sufficiently and then powder them with a mortar and pestle. 

Whisk the yogurt in a bowl. Add the salt and cumin powder and whisk again until smooth. Add water and whisk the mixture until it froths at the top. Take a taste test and add more salt or cumin, if necessary. 

Serve your drink over ice and garnish with mint leaves. 

Lassi Recipe 2

How to make sweet lassi

Add the yogurt to a bowl and whisk it until smooth. Then, add the sugar, rosewater, and cardamom powder. Give it a good mix until all the sugar is dissolved. If you do not have rosewater, a pinch of saffron would do. 

Pour your water into the mixture, being mindful of your desired consistency. Add only a little water if you want your lassi to be thick. Whisk the mixture until it froths and then serve over ice. 

You can garnish the drink with some chopped nuts. 

Sweet Lassi 1

Flavor variations

Fruit lassi is a common modification of sweet lassi. To make fruit lassi, take fruits equivalent to half of the yogurt used, blend them into puree or pulp, and add them to the yogurt before adding sugar. 

Spiced lassi is similar to salt lassi. It is made with spices, including pepper. Mint lassi is made similarly, except the mint leaves are blended with the yogurt until frothing occurs. 

Unexpected benefits 

  • Salted lassi is flavored with cumin seeds, which aid digestion and relieve bloating.
  • A cup of lassi helps your gut health because yogurt is a probiotic. 
  • Lassi is low in calories, making it suitable for weight loss and management. 
  • Fresh mint masala lassi keeps the body cool and stimulates digestion. You may find it handy if you often suffer from constipation. A glass after a heavy meal could help in digestion.
  • Treat yourself to a cup of lassi after an intense workout to help your body replenish energy stores and support muscle recovery.

Storage and shelf life

Lassi, like any food, is susceptible to contamination during storage, which can affect its shelf life and quality. To slow down bacterial growth and spoilage, store your lassi in the refrigerator at 40°F (4°C) or below.

Typically, lassi can last for 1-3 days in the refrigerator. But make sure to monitor it for signs of spoilage, such as off-flavors, odors, or mold growth

Tips and troubleshooting

  • You can use a regular blender if you do not have a whisk or immersion blender.
  • Honey or maple syrup can replace sugar in the sweet lassi recipe.
  • Using sweetened yogurt for sweet lassi can remove the need for more sweeteners. 
  • Fresh yogurt gives your lassi a tangy flavor and better texture.
  • Use ice-cold water for preparation to prevent the yogurt from curdling. This can affect the lassi’s texture. 
  • Don’t use too much cardamom, which will give your lassi a bitter taste. 
  • If your yogurt curdles, add a little water and blend it to restore its texture. 


Lassi is a refreshing and nutritious yogurt-based drink perfect for any occasion. With its various flavor options and numerous health benefits, it will surely become your new favorite drink. Give it a try, your taste buds and body will thank you. 

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