Rose Lemonade Recipe 

Summer is about to get cooler. Even on the hottest day, you can experience a refreshing cool with a nicely made glass of rose lemonade. This drink combines the sweetness of lemonade with the flavor of roses to give a unique-tasting beverage with an inviting fragrance. Rose lemonade is the definition of sweet and tangy in a cup. 

This article will guide you through the simple steps involved in making rose lemonade. 

Rose Lemonade Recipe


  • One cup of lemon juice
  • Eight rose tea bags 
  • One cup of sugar 
  • Five cups of water 
  • One medium-sized beet (optional)
  • Ice cubes 
  • Fresh rose petals (for garnishing)

These ingredients make 6 servings of Rose Lemonade. 


Make the rose lemonade base 

Pour four cups of water into a pot and bring it to a boil. Add the tea bags to the hot water, cover the pot, and leave it to steep for about twenty minutes. We recommend using Tulsi Sweet Rose Tea because of its great taste and aroma. 

While your tea bags are in the hot water, make your syrup. Get a saucepan or small pot, pour one cup of water into it, and add equivalent sugar. Allow this mixture to cook over low heat until all the sugar is dissolved. 

Your tea extract should be ready by this time. Remove all tea bags and be careful not to burst them. You can use a skimmer for this. Once the tea extract and syrup are cool, mix them in a pitcher. 

Juice the lemons and beet 

To make a cup of lemon juice, you will need about 6 lemons. Wash your lemons and cut them across the center into halves. Place each half into a lemon squeezer to obtain the juice. Do this sufficiently to get the most out of each lemon. 

Using beets in this recipe is completely optional. They are only added for the appealing look they give your lemonade. If it’s called rose lemonade, you might want to make it look a bit…rosey. 

All you need is one medium-sized beet. Wash, chop, and then blend it until smooth. Depending on the color intensity you’re going for, add about three tablespoons of the juice or a quarter cup to the lemon juice. Don’t worry; it doesn’t alter the taste of the lemonade much. 

Assemble the rose lemonade 

Pour the lemon juice into the pitcher containing the rose tea extract and syrup, and add your desired amount of beet juice. Mix all the ingredients and refrigerate for fifteen minutes. 

Give the mixture one last stir and serve with ice. You can use rose petals for garnishing. 

Assemble Rose Lemonade

What you should know about rose lemonade

Rose lemonade has likely existed since the ancient Middle East and medieval Europe. This is possible because rose water was commonly used by the wealthy to flavor drinks. However, the modern-day version may be a little different from what it was then. 

Because of its rarity and expensive nature, rose water and drinks containing it depicted luxury and wealth. Although modern-day rose lemonade is not restricted to those of a certain social status, it still gives the impression of “high class.” 

Rose lemonade makes a good base for mocktails because it is mild and sweet.

When you take just one cup of rose lemonade, your body can gain lots of benefits. Like every other tea, rose tea has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. When made into a drink like this, it can also aid your digestive health by reducing bloating and relieving cramps. Rose lemonade also helps your skin and nail health. 

What you should know about Rose lemonade

Storage and shelf life 

Store rose lemonade in a clean, airtight container or bottle in the refrigerator at 40°F (4°C) or below. It is best consumed within 48 hours of preparation.

Tips and variations 

Variations of this recipe exist based on the rose tea used. You can vary the flavor of this lemonade by changing the type of rose petals or tea used. Other ingredients such as spices (e.g. ginger) or fruits (strawberry) can be infused into the recipe to create more flavor and texture. 

Adding club soda to this recipe makes it sparkling rose lemonade. 


Whether you want a drink to serve at a summer BBQ or a refreshing pick-me-up, rose lemonade is the perfect choice. So go ahead, give this recipe a try, and experience the sweet and tangy taste of rose lemonade for yourself.

Experiment with different ingredients and flavors to create unique rose lemonade variations. Don’t be afraid to get creative. Happy sipping!

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