Wonderful 4c queens! How have y’all been? I am here with this post today to shake a table, but hopefully, I don’t break this particular table.
What’s your relationship with 4c shrinkage?
- Are you team, I absolutely love it?
- Team I wish I could get rid of it?
- Or team I am on the fence, and still observing?
For those who have no idea of what I mean by 4c shrinkage, let’s give a proper definition.
Shrinkage describes how wavy, curly, or coily hair appears shorter when dry compared to when wet or stretched.
Permit me to tell you a quick story of how I got acquainted with my shrinkage and what our relationship is like now. Then of course, I would tell you what team I currently belong to.
Story Time

This story would never be complete if I don’t mention that I only became acquainted with my natural coils a few years ago.
I have lived a huge chunk of my life as a permed/relaxed girlie! My coils were permed at an early age of 6. So, of course I don’t remember what they ever looked like.
Imagine my excitement when I decided to transition back to my natural coils. I had imagined and dreamt about my curls/coil patterns. Of course, I was in detective mode, reading up on natural hair living, familiarizing myself with the hair typing chart, and much more.
I occasionally asked myself, what type of coils do you think you would end up with? 3b? 4a? or perhaps 4b coils? I didn’t even think as far as 4c because my brother, who is in the business of growing out his hair, rocked the 4b coils handsomely.
Logically, as siblings, I felt it was only right to also possess the 4b coils but I didn’t know how erroneous that notion would eventually become.
See, even while I transitioned with those relaxed ends still attached, it was difficult to tell my hair type according to the typing chart. I only knew for sure what hair type I possessed after I did my big chop. Of course I got a rude shock, as I wasn’t expecting to turn up with 4c coils and massive hair shrinkage!
I remember when I had just done my big chop, my hair was about 4-6 inches long, I am not too sure of the exact length. However due to its massive shrinkage it gave low cut vibes. I would enter a saloon back then to make a nice braided hairstyle and almost all stylists I met cringed at how short they felt my hair was, and the near impossible mission of achieving the hairstyle of my choice. That was usually until they pulled out my hair and took note of the shrinkage at play.
I still get comments such as; “Did you cut your hair?” When it is in its most shrunken state. One thing I have realized with this experience, is that most black woman don’t even understand the spectrum/ nature of the type 4 hair God so graciously blessed us with.
The truth of the matter is that, I initially struggled with accepting my hair shrinkage. This is especially because the world mostly associates beautiful hair with length. But then, I started to read more about it and study my hair better. I have now come to the realization that my shrinkage is part of what makes my hair unique! It is a sign of great health, and though occasionally , I love my hair in its stretched out state, I won’t trade my shrinkage for anything in the world.
So yeah, I am Team……. I absolutely love it! Shrinkage gives me the best of both worlds.
What causes Hair shrinkage

There are a number of factors that work hand in hand for shrinkage to manifest but the most Liable culprit is moisture leaving the hair. Most times after water and 4c hair meet and greet, evaporation of water/moisture from the hair occurs, this is usually followed by massive hair shrinkage.
Shrinkage therefore has been noted to occur as a result of water absorption which causes the hair cuticles to either expand, or elongate due to the weight of the water and subsequent evaporation. Other notable factors that could combine with moisture loss and cause hair shrinkage include; the environment, your last wash day, the hair care products you use, as well as the hairstyle you’re wearing/ have been wearing.
Importance of Shrinkage
Yo! There are levels to this shrinkage thing guys. Would you believe it if I told you that sometimes 4c hair shrinks to as much as 80 percent of its actual length? Amazing right!
If you ask me, I would say, that shrinkage gives you the best of both worlds, as you can rock a low Afro with shrunken coils, or choose to blow/stretch out your hair. No other hair type gives this luxury, it is versatility at its peak baby!
What you should also know is that, Shrinkage is a sign of optimum health of your curls/coils.
If your hair has lost its elasticity, and struggles to bounce back or spring back into coils, it might indicate that your hair has some form of damage such as those caused by use of excessive heat styling or colouring. In such cases, an urgent intervention might be necessary.

In conclusion
On a final note, I am not here to give tips on how to boycot hair shrinkage lol! This is rather a post to challenge you into getting with the Shrinkage, and embracing it! It might seem frustrating initially, but trust me, once you begin to key into it, the Love would most definitely outshine the frustration. Ciao💕