5 tips on how to dry Afro hair faster (without heat)

Hi guys! This Afro chic is back with some pointers on making wash day easier and more pleasurable. 

I know a lot of my 4c queens with long and full crowns have instant headache when they think of wash day. Asides having to deal with the wash and deep condition process, the drying of hair strands could be quite hectic too. 

While some opt for the easy way out with heat a.k.a the use of blow dryers, I am pleading with you to look the other way. 

You see, all the progress you have been making with your healthy hair routine, could disappear in a heart beat with just one session of blow drying on high heat.

Therefore illd advice you avoid drying your hair heatstyle, trust me the other ways would do your hair more justice. I honestly can’t remember the last time I dried my hair with heat, even as a relaxed babe. 

Don’t get me wrong, heat is not all bad when used in the appropriate context. However when the temperature is too high, and the purpose of the heat use isn’t justified, it becomes a problem. In this context, split ends and hair breakage would become the order of the day and definitely cause you serious heart ache.

So, let’s discuss 5 tips to help get that 4c hair damp/dry, faster

1. Dry your hair in sections

Just as washing your hair in sections makes wash day a bit more bearable, drying them in sections also helps. Trust me, those sections do help.

2. Sync Wash time with shower hour

it is always best to plan your hair wash time with either night or day shower, especially if you are a low porosity babe whose hair takes ages to dry.
Reason being that if you wash and condition your hair before having a body shower, it would give your hair some head start to drying.

For the high porosity babes, it’s likely that their hair would have moved from being soaking wet to damp before leaving the bathroom.

3. Apply products to your hair only in it’s damp state and not when wet

After stepping out of the shower from your hair wash, it is important to stall before putting your LOC (Leave in, oil and cream) on your soaking wet hair this is detrimental to getting your hair to dry and slows down its transition to it’s damp state. What you need to do is to put these products in when your hair has moved from the soaking wet to the damp state. Only then can they help to seal in the moisture.

4. Use micro fiber towels only

Long gone are the days when we were ignorant about the damaging effect of macro fiber and bulky towels materials, now it is safer to pat your hair dry only with micro fiber towels.
Please read that again Fam, I mean patting your hair dry, not vigorously shaking or yanking out strands in the name of drying your hair please. 

5. Use cool sources of air like the fan or Air conditioning.

A standing fan has always been my favourite way to dry my 4c hair fast. All I do is seat in front of the fan and part my hair in sections till it is damp enough to welcome my leave in conditioner, oil and cream. 

Those are my golden tips for drying 4c hair faster, I do hope you find them useful my darlings. Till later, stay “hairlthy”

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