A Father’s love

For God so loved the world, that he gave His only begotten son. That whosoever believes in Him would not perish but have everlasting life….. John 3:16

I have searched for a long time for the greatest love of all, and though I have loved and been loved greatly by my amazing family members and a couple of friends, I can confidently say that God’s love is the greatest. 

For the greatest love of all is a love that sacrifices all. And this great love is demonstrated when a person sacrifices his life for his friends……..John 15:13

Growing up, I wasn’t particularly raised in your typical Christian home. Let’s just say I was born into a unique setting. What I however remember is that my Dad bought me an amazing book back then popularly known as : My book of Bible stories, a book which I must confess subconsciously introduced me to the Christian life. 

The picturesque feel of this book made it very appealing and unique. I absolutely loved its stories and how they were told. Now that I think back, I never deeply connected with any of the stories in this book. It was more of a fun and activity sort of thing. 

Years down the line, I forgot about the book and considered myself too old to remain stuck in the euphoria of this animation book. Just as I could not connect to the stories in the book, I had absolutely no reason to become interested in or look for God as such. I was basically existing and living my best life until the teenage years when I became tainted with a strange and demoralizing incident.

At this point, I felt alone and hopeless ( this is aside the support and constant encouragement from my amazing family members). The empty feeling was so profound that no one could convince me that I mattered much to God. I said things I absolutely regret and basically gave up on living. Little did I know that His loving kindness surrounded and enveloped me even during this difficult period. 

The truth is that intense pain and mysery were constant in this season, but it remains the very root and basis of God’s Faithfulness in my life. I remember the day it all commenced like it was just yesterday.

 I had a heavy spirit! My battle with insomnia back then was real and incomprehensible. I knew a journey was about to begin in my life and the thought of it troubled my being and left me utterly confused. I could also sense that this journey I was to embark on was far from a joy ride. The intense and crippling fear that overwhelmed me the night it all started was none like I had ever felt. 

Though faint in my memory, I am almost certain that at some point I asked God…..  “Why me? I am only a child, pick some one else.”

Today, I can tell you that this chapter of my life, schooled me on resilience and strength. It became the very foundation on which my Life story was built. I call it a journey to self discovery. Mind blowing miracles sprung forth from the misfortune, and lessons were absorbed and put to good use. 

Now the big questions is…..Was the experience pleasant? 

Certainly not! In fact,  it shook my very existence and altered my seemingly perfect world. I would liken the turn of events to that of a sick child taken to the hospital for his shots. 

When the pain from the shots come through, this child might feel angry, cry profusely and feel that his parents are wicked beings who have subjected him to “unbearable” pain. In the actual sense however, medications from the  shots given could potentially save his life and make him healthier. Likewise some of our life experiences. 

Some of these life experiences might have been intended for evil by the enemy and seem unbearable, but they are sometimes needed to purge us from anything that might potentially cause us harm. Thankfully, God’s love is magnificent in its elements and He has no evil plans towards His children. While some evil happenings are allowed to happen for mysterious reasons we do not totally comprehend, trust your Heavenly Father to turn any plan intended for your downfall to the blue print for your upliftment, higher than the enemy could have ever fathomed. 

That is how amazing the God we serve is. His kind of love is called the “Agape” love. It is unconditional, that is even when not deserved He still gives it freely. So much so, that He made a plan to bless us with The Word, both literally and symbolically.

In the beginning was the Word, and Word was with God, and the Word was God!……

He gave us Jesus together with an ultimate guide for surviving on earth; the Holy Bible. In my opinion,  the Bible is the greatest book of all times. There is always a scripture for every season of your life in that Magnificent book. 

Just in case you haven’t met or experienced our amazing Father, illd like to introduce you to him today. 

He does not discriminate, He loves us all, and just as he loves freely, he has also given us free will. He is no authoritarian and He is after our hearts. He wants us to come freely to Him, to worship Him in spirit and in truth, and not just because we were forced to accept Him. 

The first step to knowing Him is by confessing Jesus as your personal Lord and Saviour. To experience His great Love, you need to trust Him, even when you feel like there is no reason to. Trust that He is intentional about His Jewels (that’s us by the way), and that He never fails. 

It is important to note that walking with God does not mean that you would navigate on rose beds and Lilies all the time. Brethren there shall be challenges! but He is sure to walk us through the storm.

In conclusion, a Father who loves so deep and enormously never shys away from giving His children good gifts. Let him into your life today and I assure you that this would be the best decision you have ever made.

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